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A file photograph shows Pope John Paul II laying wounded in St. Peter's Square after an assassination attempt May 13,1981. The following statement was issued in Italian March 31, 2005, and translated by Reuters. ''The Holy Father was today stricken by a very high fever provoked by what has been ascertained to be an infection of the urinary tract. An appropriate antibiotic therapy has begun. The clinical situation is being closely watched by the Vatican medical team treating him''. EDITORIAL USE ONLY REUTERS/Vatican/HO

_836_Hurricane_Katrina_2005.bmp album_papa.pdf IMAGE_T5_34503.jpg IMAGE_T5_34505.jpg _MG_3067.jpg
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Informazioni dell'immagine
Nome del file:IMAGE_T5_34503.jpg
Nome album:cattivix / Papa Giovanni Paolo II
Dimensione del file:34 KiB
Data di inserimento:Giu 06, 2009
Dimensioni:529 x 400 pixels
Viasualizzata:8 volte
Categoria IPTC:I
Sottocategoria IPTC:ENT
Preferiti:Aggiungi ai preferiti